Commonly this occurs because they have not set the correct frequency offset or CTCSS tone, so they are able to hear the repeater but the repeater cannot hear them (and thus no one can hear them).

Contrary to the comment in the paragraph titled "How do you call someone on a repeater?" stating "phrases like “nothing heard” or “no contact” are just a waste of time", those comments are useful as they let the station you are calling know that they are not being heard. Got questions about using a repeater? Devils Tower Amateur Radio Club has written a simple guide to using a repeater.
Repeaters are usually established on high points and often mounted on commercial TV or radio station antennas and therefore have the advantage of a greater coverage area. In some areas there are repeaters on the higher UHF bands such as 1.2 GHz. The most common Amateur Radio band for repeater use is the 2m band, but other common bands are 10m, 6m, 1.25m and 70cm. They are frequently used for radio nets to ensure that all stations can hear and speak to each other when located over a wide geographic area, such as all across Ottawa.
This includes repeated connects and disconnects on the system, misuse of the system, poor operating practices, equipment configuration or improper setup of audio levels that detracts from a good communications experience.Radio signal repeaters (known as repeaters) are commonly used by Hams to make contacts over a wider geographic area and are especially useful for stations operating portable (ie away from their registered address such as in a park) or mobile (from a vehicle or walking with a hand held transceiver). JCARA reserves the right to ban or “blacklist” any station on the Echolink portal for violations of our policy or violations of FCC Part 97. The number of Echolink connections are limited and during emergency operation you may be taking up a slot that a member or station needs during that event. Please do not interfere with ongoing emergency traffic unless you have a life threatening situation that requires immediate assistance. Repeater traffic varies greatly and there may be no one available to answer you.Įmergency Nets- At times the W4ABR repeater system may be involved in drills, exercises or actual emergency communications. You are welcome to put your callsign out and state that you are monitoring via Echolink. This is FM voice and we are not a DX station. Linking the W4ABR-R Echolink node by any means to another system or repeater, via rf, VoIP client or other means.Ĭalling CQ- Please don’t do this. The control operators have the ability to monitor usage and connections and will remotely disconnect your station if you are not active on the system. When you are done with your session please disconnect your station.

Parking- Staying connected on the Echolink portal without transmitting. When putting your call sign out over Echolink please state that you are ” Monitoring or Via Echolink” this lets everyone know that your coming in on the portal. When using the Echolink portal turn your Base, Mobile or HT off or to another frequency to prevent audio loopback.

There is a momentary delay which is inherent in VoIP systems. This insures that all of your transmission reaches the system. When you key your Echolink station, wait a half a second before speaking. You are responsible for identifying your station in accordance with FCC rules at all times.Įcholink operates on Voice Over Internet Protocol. Our Echolink interface does not automatically announce your station call. Station Identification: Voice identification is required. In order for all to enjoy the features of Echolink and the traditional RF side of the repeater operation the following policies are in effect: JCARA provides an Echolink portal (W4ABR-R) to the 146.790 W4ABR repeater for the convenience of our members and those from outside the repeater service area to check into our nets or other activities.